I believe nothing in life is random. There’s a reason to cross paths with every person, albeit how funny or insignificant it may appear at the beginning. And that’s how I felt meeting Winse a few years back in Barcelona, Spain. Both of us being English speakers and eating noodles at an empty restaurant, started a conversation on work, and traveling. Never really thinking that we’d meet again, in just over a year, for a big occasion. A few months later she got engaged to Chris and I was extremely interested in meeting this man that came into her life and became a person she knew was going to stay for a lifetime. During the wedding, she told me their mutual friends insisted they meet, and for some reason Winse avoided the meeting. Until she bumped into Chris in a mall. She initially tried to run away, but realized how silly she looked. “Funny enough, I knew he was the one for me from the first date” Chris proposed after 3 months. A year after the proposal, I got to shoot their wedding. It was my first Chinese tea ceremony to photograph. I loved how traditions played a large role in the wedding, whether from Canada or China. But what I mostly admired was the relationship between Winse and Chris. As their friends surrounded them, all happy for the reunion, Chris and Winse had this look of bliss. Winse couldn’t have said it any better: “Two best friends , lovers, partners in crime, goofy husband and wife duo ready to conquer the world, one fun adventure at a time”

Winse, I’m extremely happy that we met in Spain, and humbled you trusted me with your wedding photography in Canada. It’s people like you, and stories like yours that keep me inspired. Chris, the spark in your eyes whenever Winse walks into your vicinity is beautiful. May you both always have each other to cherish.

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